CEST (Central Europe Snowcross Trophy) 2023


In order to be able to start at the CEST (not at the other BHV races),
you have to apply for the license for the races.

Drivers from Germany
It is possible for all German snowmobile drivers to apply for a license at the DMSB.
To do this, please go to MeinDMSB and apply for a Class B motorcycle license.
There are only annual licenses, costs 130 euros (with DMV membership) and 180 euros (without).
The license is valid throughout Europe.

Drivers from Austria
Licenses are available from the Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club (ÖAMTC) .
There are licenses for one race, if you want to start more or at all CEST events, please apply for the “Motorcycle Annual License” .

It works as follows: print out the PDF file, go to the doctor – fill it out and have it stamped.
Please scan the completed application and email it to the AMF (Austria Motorsport Federation in the ÖAMTC) ( austria-motorsport@oeamtc.at ).
As soon as the application has arrived at the AFM, it will be processed and after 4-5 working days the license will be sent to the filled-in address by cash on delivery.
Of course, this license also applies abroad.

Drivers from other countries

The license can be applied for via the ÖAMTC; this approval, which is subject to a fee, is also required.

There is a license-free “Rookies” class in Neukirchen